Saturday, April 26, 2008

Job Fair Tips, How to get the most out of a Job Fair

Dress professionally.
Wear proper business attire. Style your hair conservatively. First impressions are very important.

Prepare resume and bring 20 copies.
Proofread your resume for typos and have others proofread as well. Bring at least 20 copies of your resume to hand out to employers. Take a portfolio or briefcase to hold these documents.

Do your research.
The more you know about a company, the more you can converse with the company representative and the more memorable you will be.

Prepare a 30-second commercial.
Greet each employer with a smile and an enthusiastic 30-second sales pitch. Think about your strong points, your goals, and the company.

Arrive early.
Come early while employers are fresh. First visit the booths of employers you are most interested in.

Be assertive and show initiative.
Shake hands and introduce yourself to recruiters when you reach the table. Impart enthusiasm about the company and their job opportunities.

Speak with companies you normally wouldn’t be interested in. Talk to other job seekers---you may hear about opportunities of which you were unaware.

Get the interviewer’s business card.
Collect business cards from employers you speak with. Follow-up and send personalized thank you notes.

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